
life is easy

Foto Saya

hello yellow.

Senin, 30 April 2012

could it be?

 1. stop procrastinating
 2. stop ngomong kasar
 3. stop cemberut cemberut
 4. stop mendem di hati
 5. start think positive
 6. smile everytime. don't be too much
 7. belajar masak :D
 8. jaga omongan
 9. stop judging people
 10. talk about what i want. not just hoping someone could read my mind and pursue it for me.
 11. sapa orang duluan. jangan ngarep disapa macem artis
 12. stop being so kepo. stay casual
 13. soften my laughter. jangan kaya neneknenek antagonis :D
 14. be realistic. stop hping too much about anything
 15. stop ngeluh
 16. stop being overacting
 17. appreciate my self, stop looking too often to the ground