
life is easy

Foto Saya

hello yellow.

Jumat, 29 April 2011

oh, it doesn't mean that i'm still dying for ya. it's just a song..... right?

Lebih Darimu


andai aku mampu membalasmu
semua perbuatanmu itu
pasti dari dulu takakan kurasa
pahit yang ku trima

aku memilihmu jadi kekasihku
tapi yang terjadi
kau sakiti aku

dunia sedang tak bersahabat
ingin ku bawa hancur bersamaku
dunia sedang tak bersahabat
akan ku dapat lebih darimu,

lebih darimu

andai aku mampu mengulangnya
saat-saat kau bersamaku
pasti aku tau dimana salahku
bukan seperti ini

aku memilihmu jadi kekasihku
tapi yang terjadi
kau sakiti aku

dunia sedang tak bersahabat
ingin ku bawa hancur bersamaku
dunia sedang tak bersahabat
akan ku dapat lebih darimu,

lebih darimu

Rabu, 27 April 2011

i'm dying. are you happy now?

Pergilah Kau


Tak mau lagi aku percaya
Pada semua kasih sayangmu
Tak mau lagi aku tersentuh
Pada semua pengakuanmu

Kamu takkan mengerti rasa sakit ini
Kebohongan dari mulut manismu

Pergilah kau
Pergi dari hidupku
Bawalah semua rasa bersalahmu
Pergilah kau
Pergi dari hidupku
Bawalah rahasiamu yang tak ingin kutahui

Tak mau lagi aku terjerat
Pada semua janji-janjimu
Tak mau lagi aku terkait
Pada semua permainanmu

Bertahun-tahun bersama
Kubanggakan kamu
Berikan s’galanya
Aku tak mau lagi
Ku tak mau lagi

Pergilah kau
Tak ingin kutahui
Pergilah kau
Ku tahui

Be Still
Kelly Clarkson

Far, away from it all
You and me with no one else around
A brand new start
Is all we need, it's all we need to mend these hearts
Back to the beginning

Be still
Let it go

Before we lost hope
When we still touched and love wasn't so hard

Be still
I already know

Foolish one with the smile
You don't have to be brave
Every time we fall down
But we're falling from grace
I'll gladly climb your walls if you'll meet me halfway

Slow, slow it down
Why do we run, we're missing so much babe
Just lay in my arms for a while

Be still
We should've known

Foolish one with the smile
You don't have to be brave
I'll gladly climb your walls
If you'll meet me halfway
Every time we fall down
But we're falling from grace
Here's my hand and my heart
It's yours to take

Be still ...

p.s: in case you want to say an officially good bye, i'll be there on our table at the corner. just pretend that you never know me before, i'll do the same from now on :'). i wish you luck, love, and everything.

Minggu, 24 April 2011

ambore cocondao

tadi gue abis nengok temen gue di rs. telogorejo. namanya ambar sumanto. suaranya bagus. rajin mengaji. berbaikti pada orang tua. mencuci baju sendiri. rajin menyapu. dan ga pernah makan sendal jepit.

tadinya gue agak clash ama dia gara gara..... adalah. something. tapi pas tadi gue ketemu dia di rumah sakit, semua dongkol gue sama dia langsung lumer hahahaha. gue jadi inget kalo dulu gue deket ama dia. gue pernah maksa dia ikut tim acapella gue. tapbocahnya ogah. gue pernah ketawa ketawa bareng pas gue ditindak gara gara telat ibadah. dan gue dulu suka sharing ama dia.
masalah yang kemaren itu mungkin dia cuma khilaf,atau gimana ya.. mungkin dia emosi aja. emosi sesaat. tapi yaaa gue emosi juga waktu itu hahahah

tiba tiba pas gue denger dia sakit ampe dioperasi, gue jadi ga enak sendiri. gimana juga itu temen gue, temen share gue. akhirnya tadi pas gue tengok, kita maaf maafan deh.. jadi pengen nangis gue ngeliat dia tadi hahahah. kakiknya masih belom bisa gerak, efek obat apa ya? ga ngerti deh. tadi sih dia bilang ada syarafnya yang kena apa gimanaaaa gitu. sedih deh. gue, pengen nangis beneran.

pas pulang, temen gue yang ikut nengokin ambar bareng gue tadi bilang kalo tadi pas salaman ama gue ambar udah mau nangis tapi ditahan soalnya aer matanya udah gnang mau kelaur hahahaha. gue ketawa tawa aja padahal dalem hari gue mikir, dia ga tau betapa tadi gue juga nyoba nahan nangis setengah mati. jahat banget deh gue pernah ngomong kaya kemaren itu sama ambar. maaf ya, bang.

cepet sembuh sini, kita maen dc bareng lagi. kita tindakan bareng lagi. kita ketawa bareng lagi :))
get well soon yaaaaaa :D
love you brother :)

p.s: ini gue ngetiknya udah jam 2 pagi jadi gue rada rada teler teler mabok gimanaaa gitu jadi kalo ada ketikan yang ngaco harap maklum ya. orang mabok lagi ngetik ini haha ;)

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

HBD. for the last time. :')

so sorry i was never paying attention to this
i should've know i wasn'tsupposed to be stay around you

when that day came, i just realize how you were always there when i need someone to hold on to. but i was dreaming too high, thinking how you were so ... nice. i should've know that's just who you are. there's nothing special with it. that's just the way you treat all your friend, so i wasn't special at all right?

i've been thinking for days why you were always been turning into someone different each time. i thought that was just your mood, but once again, that was just you. you're so.... unpredictable. like a sun that suddenly shine when the arctic is on winter. like the rain that came while the sun actually still up there, shining on the world. like you, cause that's you.

i should've know that what you did weeks ago, was just your respect to someone who's been always struggling with you for the past 3 months. that's me. and now after that struggling thingy is over, you go back to your world. including her in it, but not me. haha, silly me.

i should've know that i'm not special. it's her so special. i should've know that too actually,cause she IS special to anyone, include you :'). i'm sorry for letting my wish flying too high.

i should've know that we're.... different. sorry, again.

even if you always smile at me
even if you'd rather sit next to me than your friend in class
even if you always stand beside me each time you got a chance to
even if you've been always mad at anyone who's bothering me

even if you always sing that song to me

i just knew that just you
because that's who you are
and i'm sorry for everything

ah, april, 16th. your day... ;)
i should've know that i couldn't say happy birthday to you, even if today is the day
i know you didn't need it and didn't want it though
and i could see you replied every birthday message she gave you, that's the best :)
didn't mean to brag out but i was the one who told her about today actually
so sorry i didn't buy you any gift. you won't like it, i know :)
here is the only place i could say it to you, so...

happy birthday you there, MIF, my best man :')

Jumat, 15 April 2011


H-2 disini berarti 3 hal:

1. H-2 birthdaynya junior kesayangan gue. ga bakal bahagia lagi idupnya gue bikin entar mahahaha. love you, little brother ;)
2. H-2 upacara bulanan. berhubung ini bulannya kartini, jadi petugasnya disuruh taruni semua nah lo. gue kebagian jadi komandan upacara....... CADANGAN hahahhaha. jadi kerjaan gue entar cuma ngumpet di belakang tribun sambil tidur tidur hahahaha. semangat yaaaa Mulyana, as the main ceremony commander! (eh bener ga sih itu artinya komandan upacara?) hahahaha
3. H-2 ujian. nah ini yang bikin mampus. gue sih niatnya dari kemaren kemaren belajar. tapi semuanya lagi pada eforia YM nih. gue jadi ngikut ngikut chattingan dah. susah ya punya iman tipis, godaan buat online terlalu besar. runtuh deh iman gue wahahahaha.

ayo ophi, belajaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!

semangat yaaa kamu yang disana ;). jangan sampe her!

Kamis, 14 April 2011


oke ini bakalan jadi update post super-kilat zzzzzzz *suara kilat menggelagar* jederrrr

sekarang tugas gue numpuk.
bentar lagi ujian
gue rada keteteran bahan kuliah
gue lagi dijauhin ama orang yang gue-pengennya-deket-terus. ehem. -___-
gue lagi ga boleh deket deket ama satu junior kesayangan gue aaaaaargh
gue lagi kena beratz sindrom, di kelas begitu duduk mata gue pasti langsung nempel dan ga bakal melek sebelum bel pulang which is parah banget karena ujian cuma tinggal hitungan jam
gue kena virus bokek kronis. i have NO MONEY at all in my wallet. yeah shit happens sometimes
gue lagi mikir next long weekend gue mau maen ke mana because of my-lack-of-money-condition. the cheaper the better.
gue udah 3 minggu ga nelpon/ngontak orang rumah. astaga semoga mak gue ga ngutuk gue jadi batu

above those all,

gue lagi ehem ehem sama satu orang.
yes people, i am crushing an guy. the same guy. again
he's kinda cute, small, not too energic. and so humble. silly -_-.

wish me luck. for everything. especially for the last thing ;)

XOXO, love

ini layout baru. gue ngambil plek yang ada di blogger. niatnya mo ganti layout yang kemaren tapi belom nemu yang pas, jadiiiii masih plain gini haha. chatbox dan lain lainnya entar gue pasang lagi kalo udah nemu layout yang asik wokeeeeeee :D

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

it's you: my first enemy, my bestfriend, my commander, my brother, my role model, my consultant, my fight mate, my... everything, i lost

it's fine if you decide to hate me right after you know that fact
it's fine if you choose to take a break for a moment from me to netralize everything
it's fine if you mad at me because of 'that', that's normal
it's fine if you laugh at whatever i did to my little brother
it's fine if you don't wanna sit with me anymore on that table
it's fine if you're getting closer with her now
it's fine if you don't wanna tell me your new phone number
it's fine if you would never add my facebook account
it's fine if you don't even wanna listen to my explanation
it's fine if you hate the way i gave you those choki choki

and i know how much you love me, as your sister, bestfriend, classmate
that's why you don't wanna ruin everything by letting me love you more
that's why you're avoiding me
that's why i feel so empty lately cause you're never there

promise i won't do the same mistake again.
you can do anything you want,
but please, at least, talk to me. not her.